it's Jime

Jan 13, 2021


Updated: Feb 10, 2022

2020 has been a year of hard work for the whole music is her passion society e.V. team. Before the current social restrictions reached the maximum limit, we had the pleasure of making a series of videos in different formats, to be launched throughout 2021.

Among these formats is our darling "Diversity Portrait". In this series, we portray two groups of womxn in music: womxn who work behind the scenes and are otherwise not visible in the media and of course, ground-breaking and equality-empowering musicians. The selection of the musicians is not only based on their equality factor, but also on the outstanding quality of their music and our aim to support artists in their career through an unheard-of portrait format. Far from the stage where we would most commonly see them, we accompany our protagonists to their places of work, on a walk through the city, or in an everyday activity that is characteristic for our "womxn in music". While the main focus is on the equality factors and sustainability factors that make each featured protagonist unique, each portrait has a personal style, is visually differentiated from another, and adapted to the factors of each womxn we work with, thanks to the work of our video director DISZIPLIN.

Diversity should be at the forefront.

As in all our other categories, we are happy to portray people who feel that they belong to the LGBTIQA+ community. In this series, diversity should be at the forefront - diversity in every respect.

We are very happy to be sharing all the material that we prepare with powerful womxn in the music industry this year! We present to you: part I of our first "Diversity Portrait", starring Ines Bartl, who is the tour- and merch manager for the all-female punk band Bad Cop / Bad Cop and founder of TMom.merch, her own sustainable online merchandising store.