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Your association for the advancement of equality in music.
Music is as colorful and diverse as our society itself. With our non-profit association music is her passion society e.V. We stand for an equal and sustainable world of music, where people of every origin, religion, belief, culture, language, skin color, age, gender, sexual preference as well as physical and mental impairments have the same chances. We do this on different levels analogue and through multimedia content, with educational work, high-profile initiatives and entertainment with added value. With our magazine, on our social media channels, and through events such as panel discussions and workshops in the analogue world, we want to invite everyone to join us in advocating for an equal and diverse music industry.
After many years in the music industry, presenter Mia Heresch realized that the music world in our society is also very much dominated by men. Women and their actual achievements in this industry are hardly or rarely seen. So Mia set out to find ways to advocate for female-read individuals in music. As expected and yet very surprising, Mia was quickly joined by creative people who had the same aspirations for our cultural-especially the music world.
After many conversations, interviews and ideas, the online magazine was born first. This aims to give a face and a voice to female-read individuals as well as marginalized groups within the music industry, thus creating more awareness and equality. After a very short time, over 150 musicians had taken advantage of the magazine and over 1000 social media followers were interested in the topic of equality in music. This encouraged Mia and her friends and colleagues to think further, and so the non-profit association was founded in June 2020.
The goal of the initiative is to raise awareness for equality in music. In doing so, we not only advocate for women in front of and behind the scenes of the music world, but also provide a platform for music creators from the LGTBIQA+ and BIPOC community. We show what people, especially young women can achieve in art and music. We compete to change our world together, to make it more equal and sustainable in its development. We consider music as a mirror of our society and see it as a universal language that is spoken and understood with the heart all over the world.
We place a special focus in our work on addressing young people. We are particularly concerned to open up new personal perspectives on the music industry to young people from marginalized social groups and to motivate them through many inspiring formats to take their first professional steps into the world of music themselves. We see the upcoming generation of music professionals as an important key to making music more equal in the future. We develop our formats in scientific, entertaining and informative areas not only for young, music-loving people, but also with them. Thus, our team is not only very diverse in terms of our origins, culture and language, but also connects people of different generations. We stand for sustainable change that starts with youth and sets the course for an equal-opportunity cultural world.
music is her passion society e.V. stands for equality in music and culture. We show what people, especially women, can achieve in art and music. We join our individual forces to change our world together, to make it more equal and sustainable. Unfortunately, awareness of equality has not yet reached the centre of our society and that is exactly what we want to change. Our main topic of intersectional feminism is all too often portrayed in the media through negative associations, this creates a feeling of powerlessness and an associated attachment. We change this by reframing the topics, conditioning them positively, and contextualizing them culturally.
> We see art and culture as a mirror of our society.
> For us, music is a universal language that connects us far beyond country and genre boundaries and is understood everywhere in the world.
> Awareness of equality and sustainability in music, and the awakening of that very awareness, plays a central role in all of our formats.
> We are enthusiastic music fans who have become more and more aware of the fact that our great love, music is not as equal and sustainable in many areas as we would like it to be.
> We show people how they can make the world more equal and sustainable through their consumption of culture.
> We give a voice and a platform to all those who otherwise would not be heard.
> We support, listen and constantly strive to bring the positive of a situation to the forefront without losing sight of the aspects that still need to be changed.
> We are constantly striving to expand our understanding of diversity and are as inclusive as possible in every aspect of our work.
> We share our knowledge.
> We support each other to create a better future for all actors in the music world.
> We contribute to closing the gender gap in the music industry.
> We want to increase the number of women, LGBTIQA+ and BIPOC who are in music.
> We also actively include men in our vision to stand together for a more equal music world.
> We want to connect people from all sectors of the music industry worldwide.
> Through positive and empowering wording, we always focus on the solution rather than the problem, presenting facts in a neutral way.
We span a strong network that stands united for equality and passionately creates awareness for equality and freedom in music. In doing so, we not only welcome the participation of individuals belonging to marginalized and oppressed groups, but also welcome the engagement of those less affected by gender inequality, etc.
music is her passion is the magazine of music is her passion society e.V.
Based in Berlin, music is her passion society e.V. is a non-profit association financed by membership fees, subsidies and donations. The content is the result of combined purely voluntary and passionate commitment of all contributors to equality empowerment in the music industry.
music is her passion society e.V.
IBAN: DE31 830944950003455653
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We will gladly issue a tax deductible donation receipt for donations of 50 € or more.
For Companies: It is also possible as a company or institution to support our non-profit work and empowering initiatives. We are happy to engage in an open dialogue with companies in the music industry, enrich internal and public events with our contribution, and create suitable content and formats according to the needs.