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Writer's picture: it's Jime it's Jime

equality factor: an inexhaustible flow of inspiration. Empowered video production team.

producer: Dale Play Records, Evlay, Mauro de Tomasso

based in: Buenos Aires, Argentina

label: Dale Play Records - Sony Music

More than once she was labeled "the new promise of", but if there is one thing Nicki Nicole is not, nor does she sell, it is a label. This week, the Argentinean singer and composer released "MALA VIDA", a single that, as usual, will leave a strong mark on the Spanish-speaking music industry.

The artistic rise of the Argentine singer is no coincidence, since we met her in 2019, thanks to her first and independent track "Wapo Tracketero". Instantly, we knew that the artistic and equality content that young Rosarina was presenting to us was not just another single. It's almost natural that in times like these, one talks mostly about statistics and numbers when talking about a musical success. If you read several articles, a lot of them talk about the numbers of views, followers in social media, and musical platforms before the artistic content of the work, unfortunately. Today, in many cases, the numbers are more valuable than the music itself. Personally, I feel that this is what happened with "Wapo Tracketero", a song that maybe not despite, but because it positioned itself at the start of the road to success, was less appreciated for its empowered message of a young and brilliant woman of the new generation, one who will not be fooled by anything or anyone.

Nicki's compositions comprise a new generational identity through music.

Understanding the message of the music itself through the lyrics or melodies was always something quite normal for many human beings around the world for decades, including the nostalgia of classical music or tango, (which mostly have no lyrics) always it perfectly clear what the message was. Over time, new genres emerged, which are still incomprehensible at the interpretative level.

Rap has always been a tongue twister. The speed of communication that artists of the genre have combined with the mixture of languages within a song made this music genre quite often impossible to understand at the interpretative level. While the songs of Nicki have a voice flow that can be understood by any listener, at the same time, the lyrics have a new identity in terms of language in the Rap / Trap music of Spanish-speaking, that give a new meaning to the music genre. Nicki belongs not only to a new musical generation, she also belongs to a new human generation, she belongs to a generation of young people, who use art to teach their listeners how to adapt to new rules.

Nicki Nicole's music came to change the paradigm of lyrical conformity.

In Argentinian music in general, this question of "not understanding what the lyrics say", presented itself in very few situations thus far. At most, it was regarded as used by one particular artist: Argentinian singer Adrian Dargelos, leader of the band Babasonicos. He always played with the fictitious poetic intellect in his lyrics, inventing words that nobody understood. However, in this case, in particular, Nicki Nicole's generation came to change this paradigm of lyrical conformity. It came to teach other generations different from theirs to listen to their lyrics and to want to hear them, again and again, to understand the message, and to understand what the new generation is serving. As part of understanding and teaching one another, the incorporation of subtitles in their videos plays a fundamental role and a direct link to this issue of achieving equal understanding no matter what age you are, and their new song is part of it.

Less than 48 hours ago, Nicki released her second single from 2020, "Mala Vida", a song that takes you through a roulette-spinning play of language and words, very well-adapted to the powerful and subtle voice of the Argentinean singer. "Los tiempos están cambiando y nosotros tambien" (times are changing and so are we), rides on a pop chorus that combined with her unparalleled flow "trapero" (that comes from the musical genre "trap"), alludes to the history that encompasses the fiction of the theme. Simultaneously, it turns out to be a wink to this that we talk about the irruption of the new generations in the musical scene of the country, who came to stay and invade territories through art.

"Ni olvido, ni perdon"

fragment of the lyrics of "Mala Vida"

Another point of inflection that marks a strong impact within the song is generated when listening to it sing "Ni olvido ni perdón". This phrase was originally from Spain but is very representative of all the Argentinean people and of a very important weight in the society of the country. It was and continues to be an emblematic request of justice linked directly to the military National dictatorship that the Latin American country suffered from throughout the 70s. This connection (perhaps unintentional), makes Nicki Nicole an artist who cares about equality rights and puts her feminine factors on the table, battling against anything that comes her way. Alongside the release of the single, a 100% cinematographic video clip based on Francis Ford Coppola's film trilogy "The Godfather" was released, in which Nicki, in the role of a member of the Italian mafia, plays a powerful mafia woman who takes revenge for the murders of her family. The video was directed by Jess "The Pole" Praznik and written by Mariana Point, an empowered video production team.

At just 20 years old, Nicki Nicole created a name that not only has an empowering weight of its own within the Argentinian and Latin American music industry but more importantly, she did so within a new generation of young people who connect through their music making it one of the biggest musical references in Hispanic music today.



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