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Writer's picture: it's Rebeccait's Rebecca

Photo by Rinck Content Studio on Unsplash

Valentine's Day is considered the most romantic day of the year, but it isn't for everyone. This February 14th, we put together our top three singles of the day, perfect for all the single souls out there! Whether you're feeling your alone self, feeling lonely, or missing someone - we guarantee that one of these tunes will suit your mood.


On Sam Smith's newest release, the bittersweet Valentine's ballad "To Die For", the British vocal virtuoso longs for someone to hold hands with, walk alongside to, and be touched by. In short, they dream of somebody to live and die for. With this melancholic pop anthem, they speak to the hearts of everyone who feels especially lonely on February 14th. In the accompanying music video released today, Sam paints a powerful picture of feeling alien in a world where everyone but oneself seems to be in a loving company. In the clip, the non-binary singer is transformed into a detached mannequin's head, observing couples and happy people from the isolation of a wig shop's window display. Whether Sam is lined up alongside other wig-wearing heads, crowned with a plastic tiara, or literally put on a pedestal, they still remain separated from the diverse line-up of happy couples on the other side of the window pain. As they sing their lonely song, the 27-year-old Londoner provides a powerful visual metaphor for the feeling of loneliness and isolation, enhanced by a world where everyone else seems to be romantically fulfilled.

If you always longed to have the stuff that love songs are made of, or even if this day's intense focus on people in pairs is just getting to you - this song is for you.

We recommend playing it on repeat as you pass by over-booked restaurants and heart-filled advertisements on the way home, before slipping into cozy clothes and calling your best friend. V-Day can put pressure on the most self-fulfilling queens among us - even fierce pop royalty like Sam Smith gets in their feelings sometimes. So don't worry if you do, too - we get it!


Pop princess Kim Petras released her latest single "Reminds Me" on February 11th, giving us a few days to emotionally prepare for Valentine's Day. With the mellow bop, carried by a subtle beat and the most relatable lyrics we've ever heard.

She perfectly captures that dreadful feeling that overcomes those who are constantly reminded of heartbreak.

The song's simple chorus leaves room for imagination, summoning painful memories of every listener that can relate to this feeling of being reminded of someone, no matter what you do. As the German singer lists all the things she feels unable to do without triggering painful memories of heartbreak, the simplicity of the lyrics "I can't play that song 'cause it reminds me of you, I can't watch this show 'cause it reminds me of you, I can't even go there; it reminds me of you, I don't wanna do that; it reminds me of you" feel just as universally applicable to anyone, as they are personal.

Of course, break-ups, separations, and longing all intensify on February 14th,

when happy couples seem to be everywhere. Kim knows that all too well, and therefore served us this simple song as a reminder: you're not alone in this. As everyone around you seems to be living it up romantically, let yourself be comforted by the fact that they've all been there - and if we're alone today, let's feel alone together.


"Cinnamon" is the third single of Paramore frontwoman Hayley Williams' forthcoming solo debut "Petals for Armor". Released in early February of 2020, this song is not directly related to Valentine's Day, but it is very much an ode to being alone - and not being lonely. The minimalist, bass-heavy song is carried by the Nashville-native's vocals, transforming from a stripped-down mellow beginning to a euphoric finale. In both the lyrics and the music video of the song, Hayley takes us on a journey of coming to peace with and finding enjoyment in being alone. The clip shows Hayley alone in her Tenessee home, facing the demons of her solitude and making them her friends, as they progress from haunting her up the stairs to joining her in eclectic dance choreography.

This song is for those who are not lonely, but free this Valentine's Day!

It is the bittersweet grunge sister to Beyoncé's "Single Ladies", and the more uplifting sibling of MARINA's "Solitaire", focusing on the perks of being alone. With a wink and an ironically held up the middle finger, "Cinnamon" shows that we don't need to be paired up with a significant other to feel fulfilled. Instead, we can enjoy the company of our pets, eat "breakfast in the nude", and enjoy the comfort of a home we created for nobody but ourselves.

Whether you're feeling your alone self, feeling lonely, or missing someone - let one of these great songs keep you company.

Single or not, Valentine's Day can be annoying, painful, or melancholic for any of us. However you might spend February 14th, we hope you let one of these great solo artists' songs spice up the soundtrack of your day!



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