Vienna-based spoken word artist and musician Schwesta Ebra flips the script on toxic masculinity, racism, and misogyny with clever lyrics and heavy hip hop beats. Her work blends intersectional feminism, politics, satire, and queerness - all wrapped up in the shiny armor of rap-worthy big clit energy. Because of her activism and empowering art, we are proud to call Schwesta Ebra one of music is her passion’s equality ambassadors. Before you listen to her episode on “Gleich & Gleicher”, music is her passion founder Mia’s podcast, get to know this emerging rapper in this article!
Schwesta Ebra’s path to music began at the mere age of twelve when she started uploading cover songs to YouTube. Despite not having grown up in an overly musical family, she always had an affinity for music and looked up to female musicians like Shakira and Rihanna. Her Instagram channel started off with a series of mainstream-rap parodies with anti-machismo lyrics, and progressively grew into her producing her own original songs for a full-blown musical career. Although her musical role models progressed to fewer poppy artists, and she now feels more comfortable looking up to tough female rappers like Juju and Nura of SXTN, an admiration for the strong female lead stayed with her. To this day, she is in her element when mocking the cocky attitude of rap industry machos and the regressive thinking of close-minded sexists and racists. In songs with satirical titles like “Deine Dickpics” (your dick pics) and “Männer haben” (men have), she speaks up about the injustices, prejudices and problems faced by female-presenting individuals like her and encourages others to do the same. As a cherry on top of Schwesta Ebra’s body of work, educational and humorous TikTok videos and Instagram Reels complete a universe of feminist queer content.
Next to fighting sexism and queerphobia, Schwesta Ebra also acts as an avid advocate for immigration rights and the equality of citizens. Born and raised in Lower Austria, but equipped with a Bulgarian passport, she feels the repercussions of exclusive immigration politics on a daily basis. She deems being able to vote for the politicians of the country she lives, works, and pays taxes in as unacceptable and advocates for fairer immigration laws in Austria and beyond. Together with “Gleich & Gleicher” host Mia Heresch, she talks about political injustices, gender-inclusive language, and overcoming differences through humor and music. Check out the podcast episode now!